37 weeks...on the left. Lindsey Colhoun, on the right, is just a short month behind me and we decided a pair of boobs made for our perfect halloween costume! We don't know if I will actually make it to October 31st or not, so we took some photos early on to be sure we didn't miss this perfect pregnant moment. I am feeling....as well as one does with a baby that is full term! A little uncomfy, a little achy, a little tired, a little emotional. BUT, still happy of course. The baby is breech right now, a matter which we are working on anecdotally and medically. Between burning moxa sticks, hanging upside down, acupuncture, flashlights, floating, headphones/music, visualization, massage, talks, etc, we are trying it all. But she is in there, very active and healthy and that is the most important thing. We will see what happens either in the version scheduled for this week or in the couple weeks thereafter. Regardless, we cannot believe we are near the end of this journey and that there really will be a little face on a little person as a result!