WOW!!!!! She, we, made it! What a marker of time, lol. Thinking about where we were 12 months ago...in the hospital, clueless, hormonal, mastering the art of the swaddle, working up a milk supply, absolutely sleepless, surviving and totally in love. It is amazing how much you learn about babies, all the damn gear, the do's and don'ts of early parenthood, "rules," what to do when "it" doesn't work, yourself as a parent and a partner, entering ruts you are amazed you figured a way out of and understanding how to embrace a new way of life altogether. It's a test on a relationship, for sure, and though our boat was rocked by this little pie, Corey and I live and love on a firm foundation we worked hard to create and we have prevailed through the biggest changes we have ever known. At a year, I feel like we really are a happy family. Togetherness is something we make a priority, so creating and sharing experiences is the most important thing on our agenda. It is incredible to look at this little person and our new life and have visions of the future, other kids and where we will be smiling with them all! Every month of this first year became our favorite month. But I guess it makes sense when you realize how quickly these little beings grow and how much joy you get in truly meeting them at every newer age they are. Deia is now walking, beginning to talk, eating adult food, sharing legitimate feelings...smart as hell and able to manipulate any grown woman/man with ease. We are aware of this and proceed with caution and respect for that thriving little brain of hers! We enjoyed our last few nights of cuddling her in bed in the wee hours in time to sleep train her once and for all. So far so good. Fortunately, the hilarity of her fight against falling asleep offset the sadness of her tears. She resisted laying down so much that she fell asleep sitting up in the corner of her crib! Then later she stood up, her head bobbing and nodding off and when she would startle from her chin touching her chest, she would reposition her feet, stand tall....for another 5 seconds before her face came falling down again ;-) Finally she fell forward and was done for the night. Pretty funny. Hopefully this will be a good thing for all of us! Deia is now beginning to drink whole milk, so bye-bye Earth's Best and the heavy boxes from Diapers.com! She is a pretty good eater when she is not tired and her meals go something like this: bfast - oatmeal with bananas, mangoes, peaches and/or pears mixed in and some cheerios - we are trying eggs, lunch - anything i can get in front of her at a restaurant plus some yogurt, veggie booty, grapes, banana, and a small piece of toast to hold her over...which is really so that I can actually eat something too, dinner - course puree of zuc, squash, yams, tomatoes, green beans and organic chicken, shredded cheese, chicken or turkey meatballs, sometimes some annie's mac n cheese. She LOVES water so much I think she actually has too much of it. From her pink water canteen, to regular drinking cups, to the shower, the bathtub and the faucets, she'll look for any opportunity to guzzle. We have not given her juice yet and might steer clear of that for some time. She seems satisfied with water and milk and she doesn't need extra sugar just yet. Deia is very comfortable with all her grandparents and aunts now, smiling when she sees them and enjoying them on skype and on the phone. Speaking of the phone, she has an old non-working cell and likes it in small doses. She is well aware that there is no one on the end of that line and that just isn't legit enough for her. She must have the iphone....and used her little thumbs to mimik texting. How do they know these things!!!!! It's not unique to Deia...the cell, remote, computer craze. Every toy company has come up with child friendly gadgets, all which these kids reject because they know and want the real thing. Deia is walking pretty well now. It's still not her favorite mode of transportation, but she is doing it more often and gaining her confidence. We can't wait until she is running around! Peek-a-boo is still a favorite game, as is anything that involves sneaking up and catching her/someone. She loves Bluebo and we still need to get more of those dolls so we have replacements on standby :-) And now...da da daaaa, the preschool hunt begins! Anyway, Deia pie, we love you so dearly. You have brought us happiness and wholeness in a way we could have never anticipated and our lives are blessed because of you shnushy shnoosh. A whole year old, amazing.