5 months and Deia is really becoming a person. I might have said that before, but she is blossoming, truly. 16.2 pounds, 26 inches long. She is a tall baby so far! She has distinguishable expressions, the faces and sounds that tell all. The "squealy" hungry and tired whine, the excited shake and inhalation that means excitement, the inquisitive stare, the you're so goofy mommy/daddy nose crinkle, the who-the-heck-are-you furrowed brow, the tips of her mouth turned down for those she hasn't entirely figured out yet, the open mouth tongue hanging out smile that shows you she is having a ball, and that little dimple on her right apple that makes its appearance every single time she is happy. We now feel the love when she wraps her teeny, muscular arms around us. She slides her arm around yours or around your neck and you feel her small hands delicately caress (or desperately grab) your skin. She loves kisses and seems to be ticklish under her armpits and on her thighs. Her favorite song is the wheels on the bus and, for some reason, laughs when we say Topeka, Kansas. Rolling over has become a normal movement for her and she is now doing it in her sleep. So much for trying to keep her on her back! But she prefers sleeping on her side the most and somehow she still does that with both hands behind her head. Standard Deia. We think she is teething although there are no teeth in sight, but she is biting and gnawing everything. Still loves the exersaucer, has little tolerance for the Bumbo and loves to sit up and play in her bassinet. She rolls in a Maclaren umbrella stroller, which is often more convenient that the quinny now, but lacks those great shocks... She tests her vocal cord capabilities all day long, screaming happily and getting as loud as she can. She grunts and groans SO loud when she tries to poop that it's embarrassing, and she does it in public A LOT. It is time to start her on solids now, so that poop is going to take a turn for the worse and I am very afraid. After all this time, it's amazing to both of us how staring at her never gets old. Awake or asleep, she (and all children) is such a wonder. We feel so blessed to have such an easy, sweet, yummy baby, who clearly will not be a baby for long.