8 Months Old!
Deia is such a big girl now! She is making her way across rooms quite easily, mostly in her up and down maneuver and soldier scoot, sometimes she does the worm :-) But she gets up on all fours and is strong in that position, she just needs to start moving on her hands and knees. Two new teeth and we believe there are two more on the way...at least her sleeping patterns and desperate chewing lead us to believe that. She loves gnawing on a silver spoon and her new spatula and can sit for quite a while with either of those in her mouth. Deia has some nights in her bed and others in ours, mostly after 2am. We have allowed it because her wakings have been directly correlated to her teething pain. But we'll have to have a chat soon about whether or not she is beginning to take advantage of the situation and if we are creating bad habits. Uh oh. She has been eating her oatmeal and has mostly enjoyed yams, apple sauce, bananas and peaches. I need to start mixing the greens back in and masking their taste with something sweet. Meats get introduced soon, so we'll see how that goes. She makes the silliest noises when letting us know she is hungry. ..some grunts, some spitting, some little screams. And she definitely knows how to get your attention and pretty much smiles all of the time. Deia seems to like to make other people smile too. With a grin plastered on her face, she'll stare at a stranger for a really long time until they notice her and smile back. She is kind of a flirt too, loooves young guys. It is SO rewarding to see that constant smile and so easy to provoke it if it is not there. It is impossible not to adore the pie, she is such a teeny ball of joy and snuggles and we all just can't get enough!
First Concert, Sort Of
Lake Arrowhead, Depeche Mode cover band called Blasphemous Rumors. They were actually so spot on we thought they were lip synching! Deia was a trooper dealing with the cold weather and the damp boat ride to and fro town. But that music kept her interest long enough for us fogies to drink a beer and reminisce about the ol' days of emo rock. Took Deia to the front of the stage and she sat atop my shoulders, like a true fan. I had to keep asking her to not flash the lead singer...not lady like.
1st Father's Day
Boating Deia
6-17-09. Deia's bottom 2 teeth cut through! We were in Lake Arrowhead and, though she was the same ol' trooper as usual, she was a little off. Her sleeping schedule was all over the place, she was a tad more cranky, had slightly less of an appetite, a bit more drooly, was gnawing and biting and sucking everything and her chin got chapped from her constantly sticking her tongue out. Given that she will not let us open her mouth to have a look, I felt some swelling and thought, "it could be...finally...teething." So one morning I was giving her a sip of water and, sure enough, there was the sound of little teeth clinking against my glass! It wasn't until she was screaming that I could get a glimpse and I saw the little white ridges emerging from her teeny, wet gums. I cried. That was the second time I cried that day....the first was when she woke up and I found her sitting up in bed. She had gotten herself to sitting by herself! Not to mention, she had been in the all fours position gearing up to crawl all week! Big milestones for such a little person. It's so fun to see her grow up, and to see that hair finally grow in!
Jackie's Class
Jackie's is Babies First Class. Otherwise referred to as More Mommy than Me. 45 minutes of topic-of-the-day lecture and 15 minutes of songs, dance, bubbles and now puppets and parachutes. Now that the kids are getting older, the information may start to get more interesting and important. And we all signed up for the 2nd session so that the moms get more of an opportunity to get to know each other. Play dates are beginning to happen now and it's nice to have the kids finally interact!
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