6-17-09. Deia's bottom 2 teeth cut through! We were in Lake Arrowhead and, though she was the same ol' trooper as usual, she was a little off. Her sleeping schedule was all over the place, she was a tad more cranky, had slightly less of an appetite, a bit more drooly, was gnawing and biting and sucking everything and her chin got chapped from her constantly sticking her tongue out. Given that she will not let us open her mouth to have a look, I felt some swelling and thought, "it could be...finally...teething." So one morning I was giving her a sip of water and, sure enough, there was the sound of little teeth clinking against my glass! It wasn't until she was screaming that I could get a glimpse and I saw the little white ridges emerging from her teeny, wet gums. I cried. That was the second time I cried that day....the first was when she woke up and I found her sitting up in bed. She had gotten herself to sitting by herself! Not to mention, she had been in the all fours position gearing up to crawl all week! Big milestones for such a little person. It's so fun to see her grow up, and to see that hair finally grow in!