We celebrated Deia's 1st birthday @ Holmby Park. We had Bay Cities and pizza from D'Amores, some antipasto, fruit, mac n cheese, chicken fingers, cheerios, pirate booty and whole milk. No alcohol allowed in the park, but daddy was smart enough to secure some Sofia champaign in cans! Brilliant. We had a big ralph's cake (there is nothing better than that buttercream!) and cupcakes from crumbs. All of the grandparents were there! All were a huge help in securing the land we claimed at the park at 6:30 am. We put down a tarp, ball pit and tunnel and the kids seemed to be perfectly entertained. Deia walked everywhere and wore herself out juuust in time for singing happy birthday. She cried when trying to put out the candle with her fingers...then when round two of the song happened, she clapped and took it all in. We were humbled by the turnout and are so lucky to have so many wonderful, supportive people around our 1 year old family! Oh, and she wore her first pair of "skinny jeans," too much :-)