Deia is older than a year. Holy moly. This goes so fast! Where to begin.... For all those times (maybe every month from birth :-) I have said she is becoming such a person, she truly has arrived now. She is trying to copy the words that come out of your mouth, getting really close to some and attempting her own iteration of others. She speaks with absolute conviction, even if it's a string of gibberish. Her words are: woof-woof, hi, bye, buh-bye, hi dad, bye dad, mama, dada, bottle, bu-bo (for bluebo), coco (for coconut), nose and nosey, no, yes, this, that, elmo and more. She has repeated the words: car, key, milk, la-la (for Laura), e-i-o (as in old mcdonald had a farm), coffee, hot, quack, tweet and more. It's so cool to see her watch your mouth and study the way your tongue and lips move. Deia can sing parts of the Banana Boat song (Dey-o) on cue and can't get enough of the ring song on my mom's cell phone. She is fearless when it comes to dogs and seems to like to share her food with them. It's a little gross. But she accepts licks and probably wouldn't even care if she was walked on by a dog much larger than her. She loves them and thinks she can speak their language :-) Deia's kisses get sweeter by the day. She gives many and juicy ones...and every once and a while she'll throw in a love bite. She literally runs into you and throws her arms over your shoulders to give great hugs and shows the same affection to her doll bluebo. Knowing that bluebo is EVERYTHING to her, we have acquired 4 more of them and intend to buy more so that she is never without it. She reaches for bluebo in her crib and cuddles him through the night. She caresses him and kisses him and hugs him tightly while swaying or rubbing his back. Usually she says, "awwww" while loving him that way. 2 naps a day, about 1.5 hr each. approximately 7:30pm-7am overnight. Corey and I are enjoying a lot more time out alone and together these days and it's wonderful to wake up to a smiling, rested little girl who wakes up with kisses to shower on us. When she is not quite ready for her naps, she'll play in her bed, happily, for up to an entire hour! We hear her singing and playing with her music projector. She practices most of her words and sounds when she is bored. Her favorite new game is having us smell her toes and say, "pee-u." That game can last for-ev-er! I have figured out a successful way of getting veggies in her, finally! She LOVES her smoothies! The usual ingredients include, spinach, green peas, corn, avocado, banana, yogurt, applesauce, carrot juice, pineapple, mango and papaya. It's sweet and filling. She still loves her meatballs and cheese and finally likes scrambled eggs! Time to get some tomatoes and broccoli in those :-)