Deia vocabulary is growing by the day. She will attempt to copy any word you ask her to, some come out more clearly than others. Of course, there are no string or combinations of words happening...that's to come in the future. But her words, so far, are: dog, do for dora, hot, hi dad, bye dad, mama, nice, no, hi, hello, hola, nose, eye, ear, mou (for mouth), dog, elmo, poop, moo, woof, arf, cak for quack, moo, kitty, mow (for meow), ba-nana, apple, ball, ah ah ah for monkey, aaaa for sheep, she sniffles in for pig, says a perfect turtle, nanana for the elmo song (that says la la la), lmno as in that section of the alphabet, cheese, this, that, all done (I guess that's two words!), ca-ca for turkey, bottle and a few others. It's so fun to see her watch, listen and learn and I can tell that she is enjoying her ability to communicate better.