What can I say about my pie? She's almost 3 and a half, going on 13. She definitely has quite a vocabulary and continues to bring interesting phrases home from school...like, "I need space," (me), "Why didn't you nap?" (her) "It's ok, I made it work," etc. Oh the napping. The days she does, she's a DOLL when I pick her up and take her home. Sweet, inclusive, agreeable, patient, creative, hungry and talkative. On the days she resists her naps, I take home a coo coo bird who has zero threshold for everything. I can blink my eyes and it will bother her. Not sure why she skips it when she does, because at home she needs and takes a 2 hour nap without fail. I know the teachers are working hard with her to get her to sleep...but they don't know the child I bring home when she doesn't! It's one of the most frustrating wild cards on the table right now. That, and whining! Her latest response to please don't whine, "But I can't stop whining!" On the flip side, her imagination is on fuego these days. Her dramatic play is, well, dramatic. But the stories she tells when she reads to her babies are elaborate and colorful. She is clearly affected by these Disney Princesses, as she caresses and sighs and pouts and dancing with joy in mimicking ways. She watches way too many movies, which came out of them being on during the survival mode of bed rest and a newborn in the house. We have yet to curb it but will come up with new rules soon enough. But her favorites include Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Happy Feet 2, Horton Hears a Who and Puss N Boots. I hope this list reflects new and fewer movies soon! I don't mind her vegging out and watching some times, we all need a little of that. But it's a bit much :) Deia is eating like a champ! Kale, Lentils, Quinoa, Asparagus, Pea Soup, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans and most other vegetables. She finally likes Steak....not that I intend to have her eat it all of the time. But a little here and there is good and I've been trying to introduce it for a loooong time. She's pretty active, in ballet, soccer and gymtastics. But we may be adding in a yoga class soon?! And she'll be doing 5 weeks of Jilly Jazz (my teacher!) in June. She is beginning to care about writing her name, mom and dad. She recognizes D's everywhere and has her own signature. You can make out the D, E & I sort of. She can successfully write mom :) It's so sweet to watch her draw! Her images have evolved and now she is drawing a lot of bugs, flowers, "letters" and using a lot of colors. She always has notes and drawings for me when I pick her up at school. By the way, NSW is the BEST PLACE EVER! I couldn't be happier for her to have the experience and support that she has there. Those teachers continue to impress us with their kindness, creativity and mindfulness about all things specific to Deia. They really know her well and are sharing with us all of their observations of her and intentions for her. I believe she is thriving there. Of course, she is adjusting to so many things in the social world of a 3 year old. But you should hear the way she negotiates the use of the something with another child who wants or has it! And the way she resolves conflict with a friend! It's incredible. I have wanted to put my dukes up a couple times to defend her...kids can be unknowingly and intentionally mean right! But she handles herself pretty darn well and her teachers are really great at validating her feelings and helping her communicate her issues. Cute stuff...she still thinks it's amazing to go poo on the potty and with all her might will strive to get something out at every sitting! She still adores her blubo and her manu, but only takes a couple sips at bed time and then puts it down. She still enjoys two books and two songs at bed time. Her favorite songs at the moments are, Box of Rain, Three Little Birds, Redemption Song, Suzanne, With Or Without You, Vienna, Running To Stand Still, Sweet Home Alabama and anything else we make up about her and her day :) She still loves the color purple but doesn't insist on just wearing all purple anymore. She loves Kids Cliff Bars, sea weed, squeezies, peanut butter crackers and most of all BELL PEPPERS!!! Favorite lunchtime item...spinach tortellinis from TJs. And she FINALLY starting liking peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, which I press into a heart shape, of course :) She sleeps in pony tails now, so her hair doesn't get naughty and STILL says, "please mommy/daddy," when she wants us to come get her out of bed. She's delicious, and caring, and smart and funny. LOVE that girl!!!!!!!