3/25/08 • 7 weeks 3 days • The baby is 1.21cm long, about the size of a blueberry. This time we heard the heartbeat a healthy 150x per minute!!! It doesn't quite look like a person yet, but apparently it's growing leg and arm buds, a mouth and tongue and has its kidneys in place. So much infrastructure in such a little grain of rice! At this time, I was absolutely exhausted, crazy crazy tired. I pulled off of the freeway to take a quick nap at one point! I cried about having to replace all of our nice pump soaps with unscented ones. I only got whoozy on an empty stomach, so all in all I feel like I had it pretty easy. I still managed to get my butt out of bed to work out and be productive every day. ...somehow. Oh, the due date is now November 8, 2008!!!
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