9•2•08 - 30 weeks 3 days. After 10 long weeks we finally got to see our sweet little baby again! We had a glimpse of her in 4D, but her little hands and feet were blocking her face most of the time...so we really only go to see her tiny nose and, what appear to be, big lips. She was sleeping at first, so I chugged an apple juice to see if we could get her squirming. She was right on target in weight and length for her age. Dr. is happy with me and with the baby and of all things that they look for in the black and white abyss of an ultrasound. When this image was taken she was Frank Breech with plenty of time to turn. Actually, I went in for another ultrasound at 31.5 weeks and she had already scooted into a transverse position where her head was basically southwest and her butt northeast. Seems like she is moving in the right direction and hopefully she'll be in delivery position sooner rather than later. We are getting so close! As for mama, I am feeling great (despite the aches, sleeplessness and ruthless return of the over-active bladder), loving the summer, still exercising a ton and nesting. This is a wild ride and the anticipation of what's next is incredible!
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