Deia is now 8 weeks old, how time flies and how big her little body is getting! She now has those yummy thunder thighs, rolls everywhere, a wrinkle in her wrists, pillow-top feet and deep dimples where her knuckles would be. Her hands are opening up wide and her eyes are tracking everything and everyone around her. She continues to fixate on lights or anything bright. She still seems to like staring at the angles and contrast in dark picture frames against white walls or with a light matte inside. Best of all, she started smiling voluntarily and now grins from ear to ear when provoked, on her own accord and always for a new friendly face. And as the saying goes, one good smile does get us through the next 3 nights :-) She laughs too! And now she exercises an amazing vocabulary of new sounds. She tends to have most of her conversations on her changing table with the cheetah blankie hanging on the wall, the mistletoe her daddy put up for christmas and the mask in the campodonicos guest room. She coos and screams and girgles. Just when you think you can't fall more in love with this child....she's got you even more! Her eyes are still very blue and her lips so so pink. Her baby acne is gone and now she has rosy, porcelain cheeks. And her eyelashes are growing in! She did go from pooping at least 5-7 times a day to a little issue that has her going every couple/few days. She struggles with the gas and the poop, mostly in the morning hours when we all wish we were sleeping.... So we have given her some baby prune juice and are hoping for the best! She tends to get her best gas out when she abruptly throws a long arm and fist into the air... a la "power to the babies" style. She has also just discovered her hands and how yummy they taste. ...thumb sucker in our future, perhaps...
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