Deia is 3 months old now, insane!!!! Time has flown by and she is just a real person now! She has a very distinct personality, some funny habits, quirks and many new talents. She is grabbing for things in front of her and batting at whatever is within arm's reach. Her arms flail so wildly sometimes that she wacks herself in the head and frightens herself! It's hilarious, but requires a bit of tlc. She now holds and shakes her rattles and can use her little hands to keep her pacifier in her mouth. The funniest thing is her imaginary friend in the den! She looks over her left shoulder, into the abyss of the upper corner/closet area of the room and breaks out in ear to ear grins and laughter. She talks to her friend for long periods of time and even gets shy and buries her head in your chest while smiling. Deia's head is fairly sturdy, unless she is tired. She has slept through the night a few times...6 & 7 hours...and we hope she continues on that path! Of course, I was up all night making sure she was breathing because her silence for that long was so unusual! Then there is the middle of the night pumping... Anyway, her thunder thighs are glorious and her smiles and noises are plentiful. She has successfully burned out a nice bald spot on the back of her head...but the rest of her hair has stayed in perfect condition and is still dark brown. Her harness is still on, but hopefully it will be off next week. She has been such a dream and even when Corey and I get "a night off," we miss her so much and cannot wait to kiss-attack her again!
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