Deia is 15 months! What a little love. She is very feminine and happy. She loves people and animals and adores other children....calling those older and younger baby. She happily strolls up to friends and strangers and says a quick hi. She dances every time she hears music and thinks it's the second coming when she sees a dog or kitty. Deia prefers making animal noises than calling anything by it's name and spots out a "cak cak" (duck), "woov woov" (dog), or "nay" (horse) from a mile away. She's way too in love with Elmo and asks for him too frequently. We'll indulge her when necessary, and she already knows about youtube and it's never ending source of entertainment. She picks up every cell and says hello, followed by a brief bye and than a motion to put the phone down. She is obsessed with the Abc's now, say A B when she wants us to sing, does a funny tongue thing for LMNO, which I am sure she thinks it one word, and LOVES when she gets to say P. For some reason she is not into the bath or shower these days. Not sure why, because she remains, what we call, "the water tycoon." Her desperation for water has not changed. In any form, out of any cup, sippy, straw, bottle or even in the form of ice, water is everything to her...even at the expense of eating yummy food! She loves tangerines, just started liking peas (finally!), loved noodles and string cheese and must hold her own banana with the peel on it and pulled down. She copies any word you throw at her and is starting to say the names of her relatives. Best of all, she is a kisser (kind of like mom and dad :-). She gives TONS of kisses all day long and almost never on command. So you know she's really feeling it! She blows kisses all the time as well. She's smart and caring enough to know that if one person gets a kiss, the other in the room might feel left out. So she quickly evens the playing field and makes sure everyone has gotten their smooch! Deia and Blubo are inseparable. We tried to keep him a bedtime buddy, but she tends to drag him around as much as possible. At 15 months Deia weighed 24.5 pounds and is 31 inches tall. She is in the 90% for height and 70% for weight. The dr found her to be perfect. Very smart (which is always nice to hear) and tall and thin, "she just looks like a round kind of skinny." Lol. Deia really doesn't like the dr's office and knows very well who administers her vaccines. She cries immediately when this particular woman walks in. When her temp or ears are being checked, she always screams "All Done! All Done!" It's amazing how a person so young is already so perceptive and communicative. She's big for her age, but still so very tiny. We love her more and more every second and are really enjoying the latest age. Having a "conversation" with your baby is amazing and I can't believe how much more amazing it's going to get! Now, if we could get to 1 nap a day......
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