Deia is a....collector. Which has become our nice way of saying hoarder! She...collects....multiple items in one or each hand and/or stuff as many things in her arms at once. She attempts the impossible when it comes to how many things can fit in her tiny palms. It has always been important to her to carry and collect a lot. I wonder what that means?! At the very least, she must have two of everything, so as to have something in each hand. Yesterday I watched her try to hold 2 crayons, a banana, blubo and her water bottle in ONE hand. It was hysterical watching her drop things and try to reassemble them into her holding hand. Deia has decided that her water and milk bottles are called Manu. No idea what that is, and she can say water and bottle.... But we are honoring it and calling it Manu for the short while that bottles still exist in our world. Deia thinks belly buttons are the best and must press her little finger into them, hard, and say BOING. Deia says "cheers" about 40 times a day and says hi to just about everyone crossing her path. Bye Bye is still accompanied by blowing kisses and her thighs are still her tickle spot.
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