She's 1 and 1/2! Whoa. That happened fast! Is it ok if I say that this
is my favorite age?! As everyone says, it keeps getting better. But I feel like she is just enough of a big girl and still a little bit my baby :) Her words are getting refined, as in she finally throws in the "L" in Blubo now instead of just saying Bubo. And she is putting together many words, such as "I love you daddy," "bless you," "thank you," good morning," and "more manu pease." She is very into watching me put on make up these days and insists that I give her my tools and palettes as I am done using them. But for some reason, and every time, she immediately lifts her shirt and starts applying the blush brush or closed mascara to her belly! Don't know where she got that one, but it's pretty cute. Deia is letting us know when she has to go poo poo or that she has just gone. She says "poo poo/pee pee on potty" and knows that's what's happening when we sit down on the toilet. She also knows her toilet...which I intend to upgrade when we really get down to business. She actually told her first joke! I had just finished changing her diaper and she was quiet. All of a sudden she grunted quite loudly, and grunted again. I asked her if she had to poop. And with a belly laugh and the quirkiest little smile, she shook her head "noooooo," as if to say, "just kidding mom." It was very funny. Deia's little feet, still a size 4/5 (!), are slowly losing their pillow top! Shoes she couldn't even be stuffed in, she is sliding into with ease. There is still plenty of squishy yumminess in her thighs, but when you know them as intimately as my teeth do, you start to realize that they too are, slowly but surely, slimming down. But we have some time before they disappear :-) I am pretty sure that she is among the friendliest of the friendly children out there. I hear strangers on the street speak to that well after we have passed them on the sidewalk. She is a great greeter on airplanes too! Very enthusiastic "HI's" to everyone, usually expecting a "Hi" back. And very direct "bye's," always followed by a huge blown kiss. She is just the sweetest little love and it seems important to her to make those around her feel noticed, acknowledged and appreciated. She gives a great hi-five and delicious kisses. She is much better at puckering now. She seems to have taken a break from her toys these days and spends most of her play time rummaging through my drawers (where she finds and drapes my underwear on her arms like bracelets), reading her books, drawing with crayons, collecting as many barrettes in her hands as possible and dancing. Man she loves to dance! We have daily dance parties and we boogie down. Deia looovves a good beat! She started Ballet (priceless), starts swimming next week and still goes to moo moo musica at the Electric Lodge. So between those classes, her weekly playtime with Magnus, her almost daily trips to the duck or beach park and her other time with family and friends, she is a busy little girl! Mom is getting out a lot, thriving on her new environment and all of the wonderful friends around her. It's good for everyone :-)