...aside from every little thing...i love the way she bounces when she runs, how her curls bounce with every hop, how she wants 2 rounds of kisses at bed time, and how many times she says mommy until i get her out of bed, the way she says "hi" to everyone, the way she says ee-u-laler for see you later, how she gets blissed out when you kiss her back and puckers for kisses on the mouth, how she says mommydaddy when we are all together, the way she is starting to say our morning goodbye mantra and how she waves her little finger to draw hearts in the air, how she knows that mommy's coffee is hot and that my water is usually fizzy, the way she passe's and plie's, how she loves putting on her own shoes and how she thinks her toes always smell peeyu, the sounds her mouth makes when she eats, the way her pinky is in the air when she holds her bottle, how she calls every source of water manu, the way she uses an electric toothbrush, how she pretends to push when she sits on her potty, the way she naps her fingers every time she starts dancing, the way her breath smells when she whispers near your face, the way her eyelashes look when they are wet and stuck together in the pool, the way her face looks after a dunk under the water, the way she says boing whenever she sees a belly button, how she asks for certain songs at bed time, how she lets you know you aren't playing or singing the song she wants, the way she says meow, the way she tells you she wants to put on lipstick and how she rubs makeup brushes on her tummy instead of her face, how she only eats bananas with the peel pulled down and how much she loves to eat the bread she is supposed to feed the ducks at the park, the way she says her friends names, the way she loves Magnus so tenderly, the way she says "ok," the way her little thumb looks when it slides the unlocking bar on an iphone, the way she makes faces in the mirror, the way she likes to hold multiple objects at once, how she loves to dance, how she loves her music class, how she sings while sitting in her little car en route anywhere, the way she wants everyone around her to be happy, how she loves bracelets and barrettes, how she says Corey, how new layers of bangs keep growing in, how she still tries to drink the bathwater, the way she says and does absolutely everything....she amazes me.
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