Somehow time flies and monthly updates are less and less on time, almost forgotten...oops. So as we near 23 Months, I figured it was time to update some stats. There are so many special developments as of late, and the rate at which her vocabulary is expanding is almost hard to keep up with. We're talking sentences people. What?! Pajamas off, clothes please. Mommy, go upstairs and change d diaper. More Manu please. How about the other one. I like gelato. You're my best friend. etc. She knows exactly what she wants to say and, in as many words as she has, she speaks her wishes, demands and love very well! And she loves to talk to everyone. Fortunately, she is very polite...saying please, thank you and you're welcome at the right times. She also uses her words for a bunch of complaining... Mommy, no sit down. Daddy, no go inside. Mommy, no barrette please. Daddy, no pantalones. She also throws some pretty awesome tantrums...usually for no important reason. She asked for a cracker the other day, so I brought her a cracker. To which she started screaming, "No Cracker!" Then she threw herself down on the ground, always a little scary, and kicked and screamed like a fish out of water, flipping herself all the way from the bottom of the stairs, through the living room and dining room, through the kitchen, down the back door steps and on to the back deck...without ever getting up to walk! It was impressive, really funny actually. So I let her know that I was sorry she was upset and told I would be right over in the kitchen when she decided she was done. She located her Manu and laid on the floor drinking for the next few minutes. It's amazing how irrational little kids can become! So, we are averaging a couple tantrums a day...not quite as big as the cracker blow up. Supposedly it's normal :) But when she is not beating herself up, she's the most kind, adoring, snuggly person. She performs to evoke laughter and smiles. She hugs and kisses to let everyone around her know that she loves them and includes them. She thanks you when she's happy and says I'm Sorry when she thinks she's done something to upset you. We feel so lucky to have such an outgoing, silly, sweetheart of a daughter. Everywhere we go people tell us how special she is...and we agree :) Her favorite foods these days are gelato (aka yogurt pops that I have put in the freezer), guacamole, carrots and carrot chips, chicken, bran muffin, frozen peas and water. Manu is still the most important thing she could ever imagine having and she probably consumes 40 or more oz a day! We joke about her water empire one day, but it would make so much sense :)