Every Friday morning Deia and I spend an hour and a half at Branches Preschool in the toddler program. This is a wonderful Reggio school in Santa Monica. We actually took a 6 hour Reggio workshop from the director of the school and fell more in love with the philosophy. So whether or not Deia were to ever attend the school, we are THRILLED to have time there once a week for Deia to be exposed to this approach and in such an inspired environment. It's free play, so to speak, for the first 45 minutes. There are easels and paints set up in various places, water tables, gardening tools, plants, climbing structures, kitchen sets, magnet boards, babies, trucks, balls, sand and more and the children explore. Then it's time for snack and we all sing an adorable song greeting all the children at the table. The kids actually sit together and eat! It's amazing. Then they bus their own plates...whoa. Then there is 30 minutes where the parents separate from the children and enjoy a chat with a children's developmental psychologist. We discuss topics pertinent to this age group. The kids play in the house with the great teachers. Deia is very independent here, rarely coming to me during the time away from me. Always playing with the babies, of course. She is such a good mommy :)
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