"I'm Deia, D-E-I-A Deia, Campodonico. I'm fwee yeas ode." And she says it just the way you always dreamed your kid would...while holding up 3 little fingers...that took her a minute to position out of the palm of her mini hand and into the air. What an AMAZING age. The language, the comprehension, the compassion, the sympathy, the sense of humor, the negotiating, the curiosity, the abandon, the imagination...incredible. She continues to be a lover...a very physically and verbally affectionate, yummy, cuddler. She has no problem expressing her feelings and tends to like to be in close proximity to people when communicating and likes to make contact when chatting. For some kids, it's too much. For Deia, it's just her way. We love that she loves. But, she also has strong words, like, "I need some space." Before school started, and for a bit when school began, she had a REALLY hard time negotiating with her "things." Sharing is difficult at this age. But with the support of well handled conflict resolution being enforced in school, her language and desire to make peace is starting to show in the way that she
does share now. Of course, some days are better than others :) She still poops in a diaper...saying every day that she'll try to go on the potty "next week." "Next week" is one of her favorite sayings. She also says she'll go on the potty when her sister arrives...so we'll see. She has waffled between cups and bottle for her milk, and still clings to the ever present Manu. With the little one on the way, it doesn't feel like the right time to take away any of her small comforts. I think she'll feel her older role soon and being 3 and bigger will make her choose to take mature steps. She gives my belly A LOT of love and attention. Constantly touching it, singing to it, kissing it, rubbing it. She tells us she'll protect her sister from crickets, dogs and boys and will teach her how to eat cous cous. The transition with baby will not be seamless, but I think Deia is ready to do some serious smothering. She sleeps in her big girl bed, 7:30pm to 6:30/7am. She still doesn't get out of bed in the morning and calls for us, "Please Mommy, Please Daddy." She still asks if she's going to Conrad's :) Deia is great with her bed time routine. Brushing her teeth, washing her hands and face, picking two books, pjs and 2 books. She picks her 2 books and we read them in bed together. It's a special time we try to have both of us around for. Deia also likes to say some last words as we are shutting her door. They are usually pretty cute, including thoughts on her day, the next or comments like, "Mommy, I love you - you're adorable." Then you
have to go back in and kiss her again :) Deia just wrapped up dance classes at the Creation Station and just started "real" ballet at Miss Marie's at Studio Moon...right next to Intelligentsia on Abbot Kinney. She is going to start soccer in Venice shortly too! She's very into the idea of playdates and asks for Tal, Flynn, Ella Ever-Hadani, Andrew, Kyle, Piper and Sasha. It's pretty cute. She REALLY enjoyed seeing Puss n Boots and talks about the Theater, Disneyland and Fairyland ALL the time. Her favorite color is STILL purple. Almost everything must be purple on/around her. She still adores Beauty and the Beast, she wears her costume and calls to daddy - her beast that she wants to marry - for a dance together. Saturdays are called Daddy/Deia days and she has grown to love that saying. Deia LOVES her grandparents and talks about them constantly. The most fun thing about Deia at this age is how crazy, social she is. She goes up to EVERYONE to say hello, how's your day, what's your name (first and last of course). She will strike up a conversation anywhere at anytime and it's adorable. She tells people their names are cute, that she likes their sweater, asks about their kids/moms/vacations/bandaids, you name it! People are usually startled by how forward she can be. Then they are really shocked that she only just turned 3! Her vocabulary and comprehension levels are pretty impressive for her age. It's fun because we communicate with her in very logical adult terms and she is receptive to it. She also says "excuse me" when she passes gas or burps :) She likes to get dressed herself, she likes to look in the fridge and choose her own snacks, open her own containers, put on her own shoes, turn on the the iphone/ipad alone, get in her seat alone etc etc.