Aaaah, the peace, the quiet...the mobility of her naps! Over 8 months and she will still only nap during the day in her stroller, the car, the Ergo or on a person. Try to put her in her crib, not gonna work out for ya. Though there are times when we are home when the extra hour with my hands free would be wonderful, I have to say, I have come to be thankful for her hatred of the crib during the day because it allows me to be somewhat flexible and spontaneous with our time. It's wonderful to take a long walk on the beach with her sleeping soundly in the pack and we both get to enjoy the fresh air. And it's nice to walk her to and from lunch and her snooze is fulfilled in the sunshine. Even when she has to rest on the pillow on my lap, I get to enjoy watching her dream and catch up on bad tv or return some emails. It's not so bad. ....but one day it will change. No toddler is going to be resting on my body when they get to those 3-4 hour stretches!