Who knew how much Deia would LOVE black beans! She is never more silent during a meal (even with noodles!), than when gorging on beans. Her favorite meal out right now is black beans & guac from Casa Linda on Abbot Kinney. Second to that, the summer crunch salad (most importantly the radishes, persian cucumbers and iceberg lettuce in there) from 3 Square on AK also. AND, she has a particular liking for the Chinese Chicken Salad from Cal Chicken Cafe...although she does fish for the spiral pasta more than anything. She still loves her noodles and annie's "pizza pockets," but will go to town on asparagus and baked kale chips...loves cherry tomatoes and will destroy an entire, adult-size artichoke. Her snacks are pretty standard for her - dried mangoes, seaweed, apple sauce squeezies, cheerios, cheddar bunnies, tangerines, apples, grapes and tortillas. Gelato is probably her absolute favorite food on the planet. And we're talking yogurt tubes that I put in the freezer for her :) She is a good eater and remains a large consumer of Manu.