2 months shy of a year old, that's nuts! I am actually shocked at the difference between 9 and 10 months...she is so wonderfully vocal by comparison to 4 weeks ago. We left her at home for 4 days and came back to what seemed like an entirely new child! She waves and says bye-bye when you leave, when the phone rings she says, "ha," she walks with her music table, she has stood on her own for a solid 30 seconds without holding on, she is obsessed with drinking water out of a cup or water bottle, explores new consonants like "na, ga, ta," calls for mama and dada with conviction, crawls at lightning speed only to get to where she can stand and cruise, she dances to the sound of music or just a beat and...still has bad separation anxiety, but it's only momentary. Deia can't get enough of Elmo and his song and is thrilled at the sound of the Sesame Street song. She is eating 3 times a day now and we have put out finger foods for her at each meal. She puts so much focus and effort into her little thumb and forefinger grasping for rice krispies, tofu and cheese. She is into avocado and pieces of banana and watermelon too. She'll even enjoy some turkey shreds! Her bald spot is officially masked for good and her hair is getting long, slowly. Though she still has luscious rolls on her thighs, she is getting longer and leaner and you can see them widdling away. Sad. Deia still loves scaring people and expects a giant reaction from you. When she doesn't get one, she gets louder and more desperate with her attempts. She has turned out to be an excellent spooner. I love it because she is so great to snuggle with, however it means she has spent some more time in our bed than she used to. She made her way back in when we spent our last 2 weeks in Arrowhead....there was a "behavioral" thing going on where we would put her in the pack n play, she would cry and then vomit everywhere. So instead of wrecking the vacation, we let her sleep in her stroller, then come into bed when we got in it. Man does she take up a lot of space! She has had her full nights back in her crib, but with her top two teeth coming in now, she has been shacking up with us. This too shall pass. For now I'll enjoy her warm little toes and her breath in my face. Priceless moments, really.
1 comment:
Dominique what treasure of phenomenal writing, ideas, and images. This, like your beautiful family is a beautiful gift to the world. I'll keep reading them. Thank you for celebrating with us this weekend...it was wonderful.
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