Nothing will ever replace the look on Deia's face when she came into the room to meet Evi. She came in with her gift bag, all items she chose for Evera (blankie, hat, bla bla rattle, wind up bath whale and a giant girly blubo doll). Corey video'd her peeking under the privacy curtain and walking into the room. At first she didn't know where her sister was, and then she found the bassinet :) Her little face was filled with wonder, maybe surprise. Granted, the poor thing had the WORST cold she had had in ages. But she was all smiles and baby talk when she approached her sister. She immediately decided she needed to start putting the gifts in the bassinet. We immediately, and sadly, decided that she couldn't stay long after we asked her to wash and sanitize her hands for the umpteenth time. She was over it, to say the least. Soooo, we gave her a gift from Evera that kept her occupied while the grandparents visited and then she went home. I was sad because I had a vision of all of us piling into my bed to cuddle and coo at the new baby. But still, I will always remember the curiosity and the little smirks Deia made. Priceless!
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