Evera 6 Months

Evi...all things are great! She is happily rolling from back to front, usually from the right side. She can't at all roll on to her back though. That dang arm gets stuck behind her and she just can't figure out how to roll over it or tuck it before she rolls. It's pretty funny, but she thinks it's frustrating. She LOVES playing on our bed. She thinks it's one of the most fun activities! She plays hiding games and kicks her legs like crazy. She rolls over and tries and tries to roll back. She's still face planting through the night, oh well. I am sleeping a little better, just a little. She's really enjoying my puree of spinach, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, yellow squash and zucchini with a touch of garlic and a pinch of salt! She makes yummy noises every time she takes a bite! I don't really mind the occasional Earth's Best jar food. It's organic and she really likes the pureed fruit. She just started eating yo baby yogurt too...that's clearly a front runner. She laughs a lot at Deia now and Deia loves that. Evera continues to be joyous, patient and so, so, so sweet. AND she still fits well in the kitchen sink for her baths :)

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