Deia is 33 inches tall, 90%, and 26 pounds, 70%. She has grown this way consistently and her dr found her to be a very healthy little lady, and smart too ;-) Something happened in the last week and Deia has
arrived on a whole new level. In a matter of days, her words have quadrupled, her ability to sing a complete song has increased ten-fold, she anticipates words and movements in her classes and executes them wonderfully during the lesson or perfectly in a call and response scenario, and she also really does repeat everything she hears. It seems like she is more alert and involved in all of her classes and shows enthusiasm for them unlike any time before. I am sure this is what comes when kids are old enough to begin communicating efficiently for the first time. She sings the ABC's all the way through and picks up most of twinkle twinkle, itsy bitsy spider, row row row your boat, mary a had a little lamb, little birdie on the tree, i've been working on the railroad, trot old joe, i love you and more. Deia has already mastered her first passe and seems to be enjoying her ballet class. We start swimming class tomorrow!!!!!! Deia is very polite too. She says please and thank you, a lot :-) She is still in love with Magnus and has a ton of fun with Baby Lee and Tal. We still make it to the duck or beach park several days a week and Deia is still touch and go with the slide. ...though she'll send Blubo down without her in a second. She likes to climb the jungle gym more than anything. On the topic of up and down, which she loves to say too, Deia seems to love steps and is very good at holding the railing and working her way up and down them. This is where we practice numbers and she can count from 1-10 in English and 1-5 in Spanish! The family names are currently Gigi, Papi, Lala, Cece, Tutti, Tatti, Papi, Noni and Ayreichshschch...which is her best attempt at Alecs. It's a tough one for her and we might need a nickname soon! Deia eats with a fork, and not so well with a spoon and is loving all of the new summer fruit. She especially loves holding her own piece of corn on the cob! It's been a really fun month with Deia and she is learning and growing so fast. For the first time, we can really hang out with her and share activities that inspire us all. ....does that mean it's time for Disneyland....hmmmm :-)
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