It was on this day I was told there was a 40% chance I would be having this baby within a week because my fluid was low. This was when I was told to go on partial bed rest in order to keep my fluids up and continue on the path into natural labor and hopefully a vbac. But bed rest....UGH. I had been spinning 3 times a week and going to my jazz class once a week...those activities keeping me feeling amazing, strong and happy. Those combined with the diet I was on for gestational diabetes (yup, got that this time), I was actually losing weight in my third trimester. Go figure. But to take away my exercise was torturous. And to have to sit/lay down for several hour stretches throughout a day, that proved to be the worst part. Barking orders at people when you have the biggest nesting urges is just awful. Seeing 2 things get done to every 10 things I would have already taken care of...painful. But, I was determined to keep this little one thriving in there as long as possible and all my drs were on board for the possible vbac ahead. So we kept on truckin', on the couch though. This photo was pretty much the only good 4d glimpse we got during the entire pregnancy. It's amazing how much this photo actually resembles Deia!
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