4 Months

She is 4 months old here...clearly discovering her tongue. She's still sleeping in our room, swaddled. She's almost heavy enough to not eat through the night, but we are headed to Costa Rica soon and there is no need to rock the boat and try to sleep train her before a trip. So, we'll hold out. She really only needs a few pacifier fixes throughout the night...that's still creating a ton of sleep deprivation. But that too will come to an end :) She's so incredibly smiley and sweet. I have yet to hear her cry for something other than a vaccine! Everyone comments that she looks like Corey...which is just how Deia looked. Deia continues to be very lovingly aggressive. Her intentions appear to be good and she likes the idea of entertaining her sister. But she is very strong with Evi, physically and she's up in her face with loud baby talk a lot. It will be interesting to see what happens when Evera can better interact. For now, she smiles through all of it...unless she whimpers from being freaked out :)

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