Deia 3.5

Deia 3.5 is as incredible as she is challenging. She's a smart little girl...constantly testing her control and power in any situation. So, all things are age appropriate...but her language is beyond that. She is so absolutely communicative. Her thoughts and ideas are articulated clearly. She is super adventurous and very easy to travel with. She is very patient with her sister and really nice to her friends. She just started liking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and FINALLY poops on the potty. Phew. That happened on the plane ride to CR...close quarters in the airplane bathroom, but we were thrilled for her... and for us. She remains an excellent sleeper and still takes one 2 hour nap a day. She's doing well in school...socially and physically active. And she takes ballet from Miss Marie and does Super Soccer Stars every Saturday. We are really enjoying how fun and loving she is. She's a great size :)

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