Evera 4 Months

I cannot believe that Evera's first trip to Jaco is at exactly the same age Deia was when she was there. Evera traveled flawlessly. Not a peep, which is true of Evera in general. She is still the most smiley, happy, easy baby. We are so incredibly lucky! She just rolls with it, always. Her legs are starting to get chubby and her face is filling out. She has this crazy strawberry blonde hair and very pale skin. She's adorable! Her dimple keeps getting deeper and her eyes more and more blue. She isn't rolling much, but she's very comfortable on her tummy and is very resilient with her sister always near her body. She babbles a lot, and usually with a smile. She is completely confused by the pool and really excited by ice. She is all formula fed now and is doing really well with Earth's Best. Evera is so so so long! She's already outgrowing 6m sizes and her feet don't fit in any of the baby shoes we had. She still loves being swaddled...which will go when we sleep train her...as well as the pacifier she still likes during bed and chillaxin time. We eat her up all day, all night.

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